Tile Removal & Floor Stripping: Preparation

Here are a few simple things you can do to help minimise dust and damage in your home or place of business.

  • Give notice to neighbours that there will be noise disturbance while the work is completed.
  • Open doors and windows for ventilation.
  • Cupboards should be emptied to prevent dust contamination.
  • Disposable plastic drop sheet are ideal for covering kitchen bench tops. Tape down the edges to seal all gaps.
  • Prevent dust from spreading by hanging drop sheets in doorways.
  • Use drop sheets and tape to seal electrical equipment that cannot be removed.
  • Draw blinds and wrap in drop sheets.
  • Cover or remove wall pictures and mirrors.
  • Where possible, remove items such as dishwashers, fridges and washing machines.
  • Ensure all external windows and doors can be unlocked and opened to allow proper ventilation.

Please note that although dust control systems are used, depending on the work area there tools may not be 100% effective.

Please advise prior to job commencement if you would like our representatives to complete any of these items on your behalf.

David Frost | 0417 094 587 | david.frost@completefloorstripping.com.au